For me, the transition from being a Military Training Instructor to becoming an actual warrior right in the middle of Cold War Europe was a hard transition. I made the best of it, and I was very succcessful. But, I suffered the knee injury which would eventually lead to me separating from the Air Force. It was a hard time as I was going through it, but it all has led to where I am now. And, I wouldn't change a thing.
Some of my closest friends during my time in the U.S. Air Force
Various Photos and Documents
Certificate for being awarded NCO of the Quarter, April 1985
Letter from the Squadron Commander acknowledging selection as the NCO of the Quarter, April 1985
Letter from the Squadron Commander to the parents acknowledging selection as the NCO of the Quarter, April 1985
Official photo for NCO of the Quarter, April 1985
APR for May 1985
APR for May 1986
Letter acknowledging participation as an aggressor in a Base-wide exercise at Grissom AFB, Indiana, June 1986
Discharge Certificate from the U.S. Air Force, February 1987
Various headshots from various photos while in the U.S. Air Force
For Thomas' Eyes Only